Mobilising the cups:
Performed by moving the cups over the tissue the cups glide over the raised underlying tissue, separating the fibres of the tissues.
This technique I have found useful in the treatment with patients presenting with upper cross syndrome commonly found in office workers and gamers or devices uses, where the tissues are commonly in active also in over use syndrome creating adhesions. Cupping facilitates a natural chemical response within the body (hyaluronic acid), to enable the sticky non-functioning tissue to glide once more.
Can be useful in the treatment of:
- Promoting circulation after injury.
- Breaking up Scar tissue after an injury in sport.
- Compression injury.
- Headaches.
- Sciatica.
- Muscular pain.
- Stiff neck.
- Anxiety.
- Stress.
- Illiosacral pain
- Shoulder pain